Thursday, November 21, 2019

Find a Job Faster with These 5 Tips

Find a Job Faster with These 5 TipsFind a Job Faster with These 5 TipsWhen youre looking for a job, time can seem to move so slowly, especially if its been an unexpected job loss. Most job seekers are on the hund for tips, tools, and resources to help them find a job faster and beat the competition. Below, weve compiled five ways job seekers can focus their efforts to speed up their job search.Here are five tips to help you find a job faster1. Learn to unlearn, and learn again.Even if you dont recognize them, you likely have some bad job search habits that you need to ditch. Focus your energy on unlearning undesired behaviors and tasks, then compile new skills and behaviors to learn. By learning new skills, and ditching the undesired or unneeded ones, you improve your chances since employers are looking for job seekers with current skills.2. Use professional job search services.Theres no harm in using the resources available to you. Professional job search services can help in creati ng an environment where you can succeed. People and resources to consider includeCareer coachesResume writersProfessional membership organizationsCareer assessmentsCover letter writersHeadhunter or recruiter3. Build a job search team.You dont want to go through your job search alone. Whether youre feeling stuck in a rut or bursting with positive news, you need a support team to keep you on track and share your success with. Employ your friends, family, and network to provide you with the support, direction, and accountability you need.4. Focus on the details.Success can be found in the details. Revamp and perfect your cover letter and resume so that employers feel you are talking directly to them. Create a portfolio or website showcasing your best work. And, dont forget to manage your social media profiles. HR professionals and hiring managers are looking at all the different pieces of who you are to make a decision. Make your best impression by focusing on the details and keeping t hings professional.5. Create a plan.You wouldnt buy a car or a house without a plan, so why would you approach your job search without one? You shouldnt. To find a job faster, you need to set goals and outline a plan for how you will conduct your job search. Then, you need to make sure to work towards your goals, and revisit your plan as time passes. While your timeline might not go to plan, it will go much more smoothly and quickly than if you simply winged it.Find more job search tips hereReaders, what tips would you offer job seekers who want to find a job faster? What actions should they take to improve their chances of finding a job quickly? Share with us below

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